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To contact this candidate email johangwbasson@mail.com
About the Candidate
Software Developer with 20+ years of experience in computer science, building full stack and cloud-based systems. With an aptitude for building Java back ends and Web front ends.
Senior Developer
Cibecs / DatafoxDecember 2011 – Present
– Develop and build the Cibecs Endpoint Cloud product using Microservices architecture and CQRS.
– Implemented various microservices using Spring Boot and Axon (Java and Kotlin, Docker)
– Implemented email reports using Html, Css
– Helped build the web frontend for the product using Aurelia (Typescript, Html, Css, Rest, Websockets)
– Help build a product called Fastbank whih does bank integration into SAP business.
– Implemented rules engine for Fastbank which matches incoming transactions against transactions in SAP.
– Designed and build automated licensing system which integrates into Salesforce which issues licenses based on customer information in Salesforce (Spring Boot, Mysql)
– Implemented various command line tools for data cleanup and agent upgrade (Kotlin, Java)
Lead Developer
MarketelMarch 2011 – December 2011
– Design and build a web based shopping system with rewards program. (Spring, Hibernate)
Lead Developer
Bhyve TechnologiesNovember 2006 – November 2011
– Design and build the backend and web frontend of the Bhyve Application Suite using Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, Rest, Html, Css, JQuery
– Design and implement synchronization protocol between the server and a j2me (mobile) client.
– Design and implement of Instant Messenger in J2ME
– Java, Kotlin, Scala, Typescript, Java script
– PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase
– RabbitMQ, Kafka, REST, Web Sockets, Aurelia, Html, Css, JQuery, CQRS, DDD